Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Best Big Sissy!

My sweet girl is getting so big! I just wanted to write how I'm feeling about her these days. And ... I was not doing another entry about the boys without one for Lindsey. Since she is at school all day, I do not have the opportunity to take as many pictures or experience as much of her life with her as I used to (boo hoo!). Anyway, this year she did not trick or treat with us. She went with her friends ... yes, boo hoo again. She did walk down the block with her brothers, but I think my mom must have those pictures on her camera. Anyway, she is getting so grown up.
But, I am so proud of her. She started Middle School this year and I was soooo worried about it ... new temptations, mean kids, naughty kids, harder work, etc. I just wondered if I would have the same sweet girl in the afternoon that I dropped off there in the morning. Well, so far so good. She loves the social aspect of school. She is doing well in her classes. She made the volleyball team ... phew! At this point, I still have my same girl who wants me to lay in her bed at night with her so she can tell me about her day. Yea!
I am not naive. I know there ARE many more temptations and I still am the reigning "Strictest Mom of ALL my Friends" and I will continue to be. But I am just so proud of this sweet girl.
I was getting acquainted with one of my neighbors last night (we just moved this summer) whose son had asked Lindsey to the Homecoming dance. She could not go as she already had a date (I know ... not a problem I had in seventh grade either). Anyway, the dad came out as I was standing there and the mom introduced me and he said, "Oh, you're Lindsey's mom!". At this point, I'm thinking, Oh Lord, they hate us because she broke their son's heart. Instead, they went on and on about how Lindsey was the nicest girl in school and everyone loves her because she is friendly to everyone and that their son thinks she is sooo cool. I was so proud.
OK, Louise ... here's a page totally dedicated to you. I love you!!!