Tuesday, February 5, 2008

AKA ...

I saw someone else write down all of their kids' nicknames and I thought it was cute. It seems as they get older, I start calling my kids by their real names more and I don't want to forget any of their pet names.

Lindsey: Since the boys came along we ALL call her "Sissy" 90% of the time. But there was a time when she had lots of her own names. In the beginning it was "Sugar Bear", "Sugar Booger", "Pretty Girl" and such. Then it came time to expand on her real name. I started with "Lindsey Lou", "Lou Lou", and when The Grinch had just been released, "Lindsey Lou Who". Then we went down the slippery slope and she became "Louise". What's funny is she never minded that one. But, oh boy!, if anyone called her "Linds", she would wig out ... even at age 2. She would say, "my name is Lindsey!" It totally cracked me up.

Trey: Of course he started as Bubba and Bubby and then I would call him Bubbles, which Tim did not think was appropriate AT ALL. Now, we have settled in nicely with Bubba and Trey-man.

Tyler: Also Bubba, hardly ever Bubby and I call him Munchkin, Munch, and Monkey a lot too.

Okey-Dokey then, it's down for posterity!