Monday, October 22, 2007

What a Weekend!

The weather was gorgeous this weekend. We had all of these great plans to get out and enjoy it.
However, a tummy bug had other ideas. Mr. Trey got sick around 5:30 on Friday night and it was truly a 24 hour bug as he was almost completely back to himself by about 6:00 on Saturday. Fortunately, he was a great patient and he took a FIVE hour nap on Saturday.

Thankfully, no one else got it and Tim took Tyler and Lindsey went to my mom's for most of the day on Saturday so I was able to give Trey my undivided attention. Such a sweet boy! After resting and once I got all my babies back under one roof, we decided to get out of the house and ventured off to Target.

We spent almost all day Sunday outside on the driveway riding various toy vehicles. Tyler's favorite thing to do was go down the hill on the motorcylce (intended for 3 yr. olds) toward the alley screaming as a chase him. What a mess! Trey, on the other hand, likes to ride the scooter as fast as possible in circles ... scaring me to death. Meanwhile, Lindsey is practicing her volleyball serves on the roof while we are all dodging either the ball or her running after the ball. :)

Anyway, I was so thankful that Trey recovered so quickly and that no one else got the bug. Thank you God!