Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Maam, Could You Please Just Read the Schedule"

Lordy, Lordy. My precious little angel is doing great in volleyball. We have found a lovely girl on our street to watch the boys so that Tim and I can go to the game and actually focus on the action. All is going swimmingly!

Tonight, our sweet sitter arrived, received instructions, and we departed with plenty of time to see the game and even catch a little of the B Team game. So, off we went ... all the way on the opposite side of town to Cain. It is about a 15 minute drive, but we were still doing ok. When we arrived, there was a lovely choir having a presentation .... but no volleyball. Lights out on the court people.

So, off we went to our school (by the way, if the eighth graders are playing at home, the seventh graders would be at the away campus). After another 20 minute drive back to the other end of town and our school, we got out with just enough time to see our girl play. Ahem, she was not there. Her crazy mom did not read the schedule and was sure she remembered lots of talk about playing Cain. We play Cain next week. My girl was in Wylie tonight and I missed it.

What the heck?