Friday, October 24, 2008

I saw this on another blog recently. Since I've been in quite the blog funk lately, I thought I'd try it out. You should too.

35 Odd Things About Me

1. Do you like blue cheese salad dressing? HATE it
2. Do you own a gun? no
3. What's your favorite drink at Starbucks? Oh, I really don't do Starbucks. I usually get either the white chocolate thing hot or the mocha frozen thingy (don't even know the size. those sizes are too confusing)
4. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water or orange juice
5. Do you do pushups? Sometimes. Clearly, not enough.
6. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My beautiful watch Tim got me for my birthday 2 years ago (he gave it to me in April and my birthday is in June. He was so excited. He couldn't wait!)
7. Favorite hobby? I don't know
8. Do you have A.D.D? No
9. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I have a hard time making true friends.
10. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I sure hope Obama doesn't win, My husband got something from Fed Ex, Tyler fell asleep fast today
11. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink. Dr. Pepper, Water, Coke, Sweet Tea
12. Current worry right now? Is my boy going to figure out how to get off the bus at a stop that is different from his usual?
13. Current hate right now? the economy
14. Favorite place to be? Commerce, TX ... is that insane, or what?
15. Do you like to travel? Sort of. I love the idea of gettting away and relaxing, but the whole process stresses me out.
16. What color shirt are you wearing? Orange
17. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not sure. I have never really slept on them.
18. Can you whistle? Yes.
19. Favorite color? blue
20. If you could, would you be a pirate? Wow. No.
21. What song do you sing in the shower? I rarely burst into song in the shower. I am usually saying, "No. No. Don't open the door till Mommy gets finished."
22. Favorite girl's name? Lindsey
23. Favorite boy's name? Trey and Tyler
24. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing
25. Favorite bedsheets as a child? Bambi
26. Worst injury? I fell down my front steps carrying a kitchen table while moving and jammed my big toe. It wasn't that bad at the time. But it still bothers me daily, nearly 10 years later
27. Do you love where you live? No.
28. How many TVs do you have in your house? three
29. Who is your loudest friend? Holly

30. How many pets do you have? nada
31. Does someone have a crush on you? I doubt it.
32. What is your Favorite Book? To Kill a Mockingbird
33. What's your favorite candy? Reese Sticks
34. Favorite Sports Team? Dallas Cowboys
35. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Why is Tyler crying?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Little Bitty Man Love

This morning I had this squooshy little dude in my lap and I just couldn't quit squeezing him and kissing his fat little heavenly cheeks. I even lightly rested my head on his soft little head with feathery white hair. He smelled like sweet little Wheeler baby. Yum! (My kids have all had this same scent)

You see, I'm a bit blue today. I am "in charge" of this group of young moms and they are not happy. Everyone seems to want different things and I am not giving it to them. That bums me out.

But my little man with those cheeks cheers me up and makes me feel oh so successful ... at least in his eyes.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Maam, Could You Please Just Read the Schedule"

Lordy, Lordy. My precious little angel is doing great in volleyball. We have found a lovely girl on our street to watch the boys so that Tim and I can go to the game and actually focus on the action. All is going swimmingly!

Tonight, our sweet sitter arrived, received instructions, and we departed with plenty of time to see the game and even catch a little of the B Team game. So, off we went ... all the way on the opposite side of town to Cain. It is about a 15 minute drive, but we were still doing ok. When we arrived, there was a lovely choir having a presentation .... but no volleyball. Lights out on the court people.

So, off we went to our school (by the way, if the eighth graders are playing at home, the seventh graders would be at the away campus). After another 20 minute drive back to the other end of town and our school, we got out with just enough time to see our girl play. Ahem, she was not there. Her crazy mom did not read the schedule and was sure she remembered lots of talk about playing Cain. We play Cain next week. My girl was in Wylie tonight and I missed it.

What the heck?