Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

"Holy Trick-or-Treating Batman! Let's Go!"

As you can tell, Trey was Batman and Tyler was Robin. Yes, they were the same thing last year, but Trey's costume still fit and I just thought it was so cute, so we did it again.

Tyler had sooo much fun ... running from me as I tried to put that silly mask on him (notice the socks in his hands). I could only keep it on him for a second if he had something else in his hands and I somehow diverted his attention.
Trey would not wear his mask and cape at all this year ... he said it was itchy. Oh well, I like seeing his sweet face better. He only stayed in his costume for about 30 minutes. He LOVED handing out the candy though. The control freak in him loved making each child wait patiently for their candy, which he would only give them after they said "trick or treat" and they only got TWO PIECES! He's a mess!

We had a fun night on our first Halloween in our new neighborhood. I have never seen so many trick-or-treaters in my life. They were all so sweet and so polite.


Kim Nielsen said...

I'm loving the costumes.