Monday, November 12, 2007

A few more from the Arboretum

Both Lindsey and Trey had fun pretending to be in the pioneer days: Riding in the covered wagon,

Trey taking an old-time bath,

Lindsey pretending to farm the land ... look how deep that girl can dig!

The Arboretum, Part 2

Trey was so confused when we first arrived. I had told him we were going to this huge park, but there was no playground. He obviously omitted that part of the conversation from his brain because he kept asking, "When are we going to the park?"

His excitement returned when we got to the little villages set up like old houses of original settlers. He loved going into all the little houses, looking at all of the old things and even sweeping! He did not want to leave.

It was a great day. Do you think if I got a broom like that at home, he'd be as excited about sweeping?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Arboretum

Well, we finally made it! I have been wanting to go to the Dallas Arboretum forever! The whole family went. We had such a nice time. The weather was beautiful ... freakishly warm ... but, beautiful.
The kids had a great time climbing on the big pumpkins (or balls, as Tyler calls them) until we realized they were kind of rotten and bugs started flying out from underneath ... yuk!

What?!? Is that a family picture? We are actually a family of five and there's the picture to prove it! I never seem to be able to get pictures of all of us.

There's my pretty girl. She was so interested that I had my bridal portraits taken there. I think she got into the "posing" spirit. So sweet.

The little man had fun too. He was way more interested in those trucks than exploring, but he got out of the stroller a few times and ran around.

Ah, thanks Mommy. I'm much more comfortable in my stroller. :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Funny Man

Poor Trey has a mommy that is quite a homebody. He is always up for a play-date. As soon as he gets home from school or wakes up in the morning, he starts begging to go play with a friend. Well, today he was especially set on playing with a friend. Unfortunately, both sister and brother are a little under the weather. He was truly distraught by the news that we would not be having a play-date.
At dinner, he said, "Mommy, listen to me. We are going to get up in the morning and then we are going to go play with a friend ... Now, THAT'S IT!! (with hands in the "safe" baseball pose). I laughed so hard. This kid cracks me up.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Big Boy!

My Trey man learned how to pump his legs and swing himself yesterday! He was so excited! He still can't get as high as when we push him, but he's figuring it out. Look at that sweet face, would you!

Silly Boy!

Is this guy full of mischief, or what? He is such a mess and he is now into the phase where he puts his little things inside other things and we never see them again ...
The other day I was asking Lindsey to put her homework away for school the next day. She kept saying that she couldn't find her bag. I was sure it was somewhere in the big pile of messiness we call her room. I told her to clean up her room and then she would find it. She insisted that it was not in there and finally went to bed. When I went to bed, there was her book bag sitting next to my computer. I took it to her room for the next day and figured she forgot she had done some work on the computer. The next day, when she got home from school, she walked over to the bar and put these two cars on the counter and said, "Guess what was in my book bag today?" Little Mr. Mischief had taken her bag from her room, gathered up two cars and put them in the bag and deposited the bag in my room WITHOUT ANYONE NOTICING!! What a mess!! :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

"Holy Trick-or-Treating Batman! Let's Go!"

As you can tell, Trey was Batman and Tyler was Robin. Yes, they were the same thing last year, but Trey's costume still fit and I just thought it was so cute, so we did it again.

Tyler had sooo much fun ... running from me as I tried to put that silly mask on him (notice the socks in his hands). I could only keep it on him for a second if he had something else in his hands and I somehow diverted his attention.
Trey would not wear his mask and cape at all this year ... he said it was itchy. Oh well, I like seeing his sweet face better. He only stayed in his costume for about 30 minutes. He LOVED handing out the candy though. The control freak in him loved making each child wait patiently for their candy, which he would only give them after they said "trick or treat" and they only got TWO PIECES! He's a mess!

We had a fun night on our first Halloween in our new neighborhood. I have never seen so many trick-or-treaters in my life. They were all so sweet and so polite.

The Best Big Sissy!

My sweet girl is getting so big! I just wanted to write how I'm feeling about her these days. And ... I was not doing another entry about the boys without one for Lindsey. Since she is at school all day, I do not have the opportunity to take as many pictures or experience as much of her life with her as I used to (boo hoo!). Anyway, this year she did not trick or treat with us. She went with her friends ... yes, boo hoo again. She did walk down the block with her brothers, but I think my mom must have those pictures on her camera. Anyway, she is getting so grown up.
But, I am so proud of her. She started Middle School this year and I was soooo worried about it ... new temptations, mean kids, naughty kids, harder work, etc. I just wondered if I would have the same sweet girl in the afternoon that I dropped off there in the morning. Well, so far so good. She loves the social aspect of school. She is doing well in her classes. She made the volleyball team ... phew! At this point, I still have my same girl who wants me to lay in her bed at night with her so she can tell me about her day. Yea!
I am not naive. I know there ARE many more temptations and I still am the reigning "Strictest Mom of ALL my Friends" and I will continue to be. But I am just so proud of this sweet girl.
I was getting acquainted with one of my neighbors last night (we just moved this summer) whose son had asked Lindsey to the Homecoming dance. She could not go as she already had a date (I know ... not a problem I had in seventh grade either). Anyway, the dad came out as I was standing there and the mom introduced me and he said, "Oh, you're Lindsey's mom!". At this point, I'm thinking, Oh Lord, they hate us because she broke their son's heart. Instead, they went on and on about how Lindsey was the nicest girl in school and everyone loves her because she is friendly to everyone and that their son thinks she is sooo cool. I was so proud.
OK, Louise ... here's a page totally dedicated to you. I love you!!!